Maintenance of personal files and service books
The personal files of officers and staff of CDA (Direct and Deputation) are maintained in Establishment Section. The service Books of direct employees are maintained and service verification certificates obtained periodically. Duplicate Service Books are also provided to all the direct staff of CDA, Cuttack. The Savings Banks are being maintained & updated periodically and certificate granted.
Dealing with departmental proceedings cases
Framing of draft charges, appointment of inquiring officer/marshalling officer and issue of Final orders relating to departmental proceedings are dealt. A department proceeding registers maintained to keep watch & track of all such proceedings.
Sanction of periodical increments, time bound Adv. Scale, different types of leave etc.
Periodical increments, T.B.A. Scale, Leave such as Earned Leave, Medical leave etc & allowances are being dealt and sanctioned.
Sanction of pension, gratuity and leave salary, interim and final withdrawal from EPF A/C
Pension, gratuity and encashment of un-utilized leave due of the retired employees are dealt in the Estt. Section. Besides interim withdrawal from EPF A/C by the employees and Final withdrawal from EPF A/C by the retired employees of CDA are also dealt.
Sanction of loans and advances
Loans and advances such as House Building advance, Motorcycle advance, Funeral advance, Marriage advance, Medical advance etc. are scrutinized & sanctioned.
Maintenance of vehicles and telephones
Allotment of vehicles to members & Officers, payment of P.O.L. and repair charges including payment of monthly charges of hired vehicles are dealt in Estt. Section. Allotment of telephone, payment of periodical charges of telephone bills and EPBX come under the preview of establishment branch.
Dealing with advertisements
Advertisement relating to achievements of CDA, allotment matters and public notices etc. along with payment there of are dealt.
Dealing with printing, stationery and furniture for the office
Printing of different Forms, Brochures, Bus tickets, Park tickets, Ledger Folio etc. and payment thereof are dealt in this section. Purchase of office stationery & Furniture including payment there of and distribution of those stationery & furniture are dealt.
Meetings, report and returns
Different kinds of meeting such as Authority meetings, D.P.C. meetings are dealt in Estt. Sections. Reports and returns required by Govt. from time to time are complied by the Estt. Section.