The Law Section has been entrusted with the duty of coordinating all legal matters of the Authority right from the institution of cases up to their final disposal in various courts. The legal Section collects Para-wise comments from concerned branches and prepares the rejoinder/counters/affidavits and files it in respective courts of law. This Section monitors stage-wise progress of cases relating to various Branches/Sections relating to several courts for facilitating flow of information/documents though Legal Retainer/Advocates. The Section functions under the direct charge of Law Officer and assisted by Assistant Law Officer. CDA has engaged one Legal Retainer and has also a panel of advocates for dealing with cases in different courts of law.
The legal section of the CDA deals with the following:
- All cases filed against the CDA and by CDA in different courts viz. Supreme Court, High Court, State and District Consumer Court, Civil Court, Revenue Courts, Labour & Other Tribunals.
- Liaison with the advocates for conducting different cases.
- Cases u/s 91 of the ODA Act relating to unauthorized constructions and the constructions undertaken in deviation to the approved plan within the limits of Cuttack city. (This power is vested with the Law Officer, CDA)
- Other legal matters relating to CDA.